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Principally Speaking
Dent Falls In To Busy Time

As the seasons change and summer turns to fall, we start to plan for upcoming holidays as a family, a school, and as a community. The holiday season kicks off with Halloween, then to Thanksgiving, and finally to Christmas and culminates welcoming a New Year. During this time, our own thinking often changes and it is not coincidental. People are generally more giving, caring, and appreciative of our surroundings. More doors are held open, you hear more pleases and thank yous, and generally speaking people are in just happier moods.

As a society, we challenge ourselves to keep this holiday inspired positive mind-set all year round. This is a major focus on campus this year, going from a “fixed mind set” to a “growth mind-set.” Examples of the two types of ways of thinking are evident not only on campus but in society as a whole. Instead of saying, “I don’t understand, It’s good enough, This is too hard;” we are challenging our students to use phrases like “What am I missing, Is this really my best work, This may take some time and effort.”

As we discuss these topics in our classrooms as educators, it is easy to take a step back and think about our own mind-set. All too often, it is much easier to pass the blame, get angry, and or get defensive over situations. Our education system, technology innovations, and world views for that matter have changed tremendously over the past several years. We live in a culture and society where our young minds are molded by iPhones, androids, video game devices, and social media. Every message, video, and photo can be dissected and analyzed in every direction possible. As adults, it is our job to model a growth mindset and positive attitude no matter the issue; whether it be current events or point of views, our youth are directly affected by the words they hear and actions they see. By being aware that our children are products of environment, it is in our best interest to offer them the most supportive, respectful, and loving environment possible.

Wouldn’t it be nice if during these upcoming months we get back to the basics of what the core of our life is about; respect, responsibility, and being ready. This is the message our Elementary schools are conveying to our classes on a daily basis. Preaching to our students that materialistic items and comparisons to one another aren’t what make you who you are. How you treat others, the way you communicate to your friends and family, taking the time to be present in moments you can control is what really matters in life, and what quantifies you as a person. If we teach our children, in the classroom and in the home these life lessons of being thankful, being appreciative, and being in the moment, not only the next couple of months when it is all around us, but when the holiday season is past; our community will reap the rewards.


Principally Speaking is a monthly article, contributed by principals from Escalon Unified School District sites, throughout the school year. It is designed to update the community on school events and activities.