Escalon High School students culminated a week of special events for Red Ribbon Week with a lunchtime rally in the quad on Friday, Nov. 1.
It was a gathering that saw multiple school clubs host tables and booths, offering information, contests, prizes and serving up some food and fun.
From the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to the Visual and Performing Arts Club, the idea was to bring students together in one spot and help them learn about all that the school has to offer. Members of ACE, the Art Club of Escalon, were doing face painting at their booth while a Bible quiz – with candy as the prize – was offered by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Members of the Peer Interaction Team were hosting some events, using them as ‘ice breakers’ to get all students involved, ranging from a fun limbo contest to tossing the ‘question ball’ around.
The Interact Club was busy signing donors up for a January 2014 blood drive and the FFA had hot popcorn, there was a chance to make s’mores, enjoy egg rolls from Wong’s Chinese Deli and The Cupcake Lady was also on hand for the event.
“This is great for our clubs, great for the students,” said Escalon High School assistant principal Talmage Allen. “I think some of our kids don’t even know these clubs exist and it’s a great way for them to get involved.”
Associated Student Body advisor Natalie Moring said the group has put together lunchtime rallies before but this was the first time to have so many clubs and outside organizations come in to join.
“We wanted to get more people involved so we invited all the clubs,” she explained. “We tied it in to Red Ribbon Week as a way to finish it up and we had really good participation.”
Junior Julie Victorino, a cheerleader, involved in Friends Helping Friends and a PIT member, said she was happy that it was a success.
“I enjoyed how everyone came together, the different clubs and the food,” she said.
Fellow junior Cody Franks, also in PIT and a golfer for the high school, echoed the thoughts.
“I like seeing all the students coming together and talking,” he said. “It’s good.”