The Escalon Wrestling Club, EWC, competed at Summerville High School in Tuolumne City in the Mother Lode Wrestling Club’s annual Mother Lode Mania SCWAY Zone 2-3 tournament on Sunday, Jan. 22. The tournament also served as a Tournament of Champions (TOC) Qualifier for wrestlers in grades 6-8.
“We had 36 register for the tournament and at least 28 of them placed in the top four and brought home medals. We had seven champs in a very competitive field,” stated EWC President Derek Scott. “EJ Lewis took home a gold medal and joined JP Lial and Christian Rowe as our Club’s TOC qualifiers.”
Despite the wintry weather mix, Scott said he was pleased with the support the club received at the Sunday event.
“Having 36 wrestlers and their families travel up to Tuolumne City in bad weather shows how strong of a commitment they’ve made to wrestling,” noted Scott. “And El Portal Middle School’s program has started up so there is a lot going on with Escalon wrestling as a whole.”
Following is a list of the Jan. 22 medal winners for the EWC.
Champions: Vince Reis, Caleb Boatman, Anthony Jones, Alex Gutierrez, Gideon Gerber, EJ Lewis, Sammy Hinojosa.
Silver: Malachi Coble, Donovan Martinez, Tyler Vesper, Hayden McPherson, Garrison Gerber, Griffin Gerber, Archer Sanders, Ryan Lewis.
Bronze: Christian Rowe, Freddy Velasco, Luca Cerasi, Ramon Hinojosa, Noah Dooley, Logan Dooley, Frankie Rodriguez.
Fourth Place: Alex Jones, Cristian Camara, Brody Krasko, Tyler Bogle, Aaron Quiroz, Frankie Laney, Hayden Castro.
Next up for the EWC is the SCWAY tournament at Bret Harte High School in Angels Camp on Jan. 29.