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Rest And Recharge
Mommy Musings 4-27-22

It’s important to take some time to ourselves.

That’s what I was reminded of this past weekend as I set off for a little getaway with a few girlfriends.

I knew I needed a little R and R. Truth be told, I almost cancelled as I thought about all I needed to do around our house and well … kids. Yet at the insistence of my mother, as well as my kids, I packed a bag and headed for the coast to spend some time with a few gal pals post-COVID.

Days leading up to my departure, I shared with my guy how excited I was to get a few days in a home which wasn’t mine, to simply chill with a few low maintenance friends.

“A few days with good friends, what’s not to get excited about right?” he shared, acknowledging my excitement. And he was right.

As we hit the road, two of us in one car and one coming from the Bay, it was a simple 45 minutes before we were all on the phone together. Yes, when given the opportunity grown women quickly revert to 14-year-old girls, minus the cattiness, add vehicles and a bank account to allow them 72 hours of carefree fun.

As the weekend went on, we encountered/made a number of “new friends” as we like to call them. Our destination had a purpose and we were surrounded by women (and men) with a shared passion and wouldn’t you know desire for some simple R and R.

There were bus rides involved in our girls getaway and during that time I happened to sit with more “new friends.” Each of them happened to be mommies, just like me, yet younger kids and younger mommies. Each mommy sharing they had opted to add a day to their getaway to get some real rest.

Not only did I laugh, but I understood. One mom confided she was the mother of two under the age of three.

“I realize once I get home, I won’t get rest,” she said, after confiding it was the first time her husband had been left alone overnight with both children.

“The last time I did something like this was five years ago,” she continued.

I not only understood, but I encouraged her to hold true to that extra night, stick with her original plan and return home to her family well rested the next day.

Oddly, two mommies of different generations with children very different in age, speak frankly with tear-filled eyes as we supported one another.

Parting, we each shared how grateful we were for one another’s time. Wishing one another the best, fully knowing we would go on to be a fond memory for one another and nothing more.

Reconnecting with my crew, we shared many thoughts of gratitude, as well as stories of amazement of people we had met.

Returning back to our rental (on a Sunday night I might add), we settled in and got comfy for one more night. I won’t lie, this too felt like a luxury for each of us. Knowing full well we would wake to work emails remotely and be on calls as we travelled home on Monday, but it was worth it – tenfold.

For some reason it’s just harder for mommies to step aside for a moment for a little R and R, even with the most supportive partner, it’s just plain hard. But ladies … I’m here to tell ya, it’s not just for you but for your family and everyone who loves and supports you; we need to breathe and sometimes that means checking out for a day or two.

As I type this, from that very rental I spoke of earlier, I’m not sure when this moment will come again. What I do know, is when the opportunity presents itself it won’t take me long to consider it. I know I’m better for everyone, as well as myself for these simple stress free moments and I equally know, the recharged batteries will be much appreciated by all. Cheers to girl time!


Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at or by calling 209-847-3021.