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What Was My Password Again?
Senior Corner


Times Columnist

As a senior, I remember when our phones were on party lines and getting driving directions meant reading a huge map with creases, many gas station stops to inquire and lots of U-turns. Our first car phone was huge as a bread box and our first computer had no social media or interesting apps. I have so many apps on my phone today that it takes several screens, two apps for social media and two apps for fitness (don’t use that one often enough). I also have one each for maps, photos, weather and far more that I will ever use. The vast amount of information on our phones and computers is helpful and at the same time intimidating. At 69, the intimidation part is having to keep track of some sort of password for every app and internet site. It seemed so simple in the beginning; one password was all I needed. It opened my computer and a couple of other things. Three letters and three numbers. Okay, I thought, I can do this. I am now saddled with three and a half pages of passwords that have to be changed constantly because identity thieves are so smart that they can pretty much open everyone’s everything. I feel as if I’m being chased when my bank says, “Please change your password (again) for the safety of your account!”.

In the beginning my passwords were cute like “duckyinthetub123”. It was fun coming up with them but whenever I gave my kids my password for something, they would end up hysterically laughing while saying, “You guys, did you hear what mom’s password is, duckyinthetub123?” I always wonder why that is so funny. What brilliant term do they use for their passwords? Unfortunately, through the years, I have had to create new passwords for safety’s sake probably around a hundred times. Don’t tell my kids this but I have also had to create new passwords because I forgot my passwords more times than that. I now have three and a half pages of brilliantly inspired passwords. Will my kids make fun of them again? Of course they will. When my daughter saw me thumbing through my pile of password sheets, she screamed with laughter while asking, “Why do you have so many passwords?” I just told her that someone in that cloud thing or the great beyond insisted that I change it. I am at peace with the fact that I can now stumble through most of the technical computer stuff, usually finding what I’m looking for. But then comes the next time and I don’t remember how I got there or why.

But, keep on trucking seniors, we can do this!!


Tina Jensen is a member and one of the coordinators of activities for the Escalon Senior Fun Bunch. She contributes a monthly column for The Times.