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Principally Speaking 12/12/18
First Half Of School Year Just Flying By

As we head into the Holiday Season, we wonder where the first half of the school year has gone. We get so caught up in our daily routine we don’t realize where we are in the calendar year. Fortunately, the end of the year gives a moment to pause and reflect on things to be thankful for.

We are proud to say that student involvement in school-related activities continues to rise. Over 200 students are enrolled in our Band and Guitar classes. This turns a concert into an event. Performing in a packed gymnasium is now the norm. Girls’ basketball recently completed successful seasons. The gym may have anticipated some down time but that’s not the case. Large numbers are competing for spots on the Boys’ basketball team while sharing the facility with 50+ grapplers on our Co-Ed Wrestling team. This level of participation is a direct reflection of the positive support our school receives from the community.

Headed by the leadership of EUSD Director of Maintenance and Operations, Rick John, and Superintendent Ron Costa we engaged in a large scale overhaul of our campus grounds. We transformed “the mound”, which had become more of a safety issue than a useable space, into a great place for students. Installing solar structures, hardscaping the entire area, and bringing in new outdoor furniture has resulted in a fantastic place for kids to be outside during their unstructured times. Mr. John recently passed away but through his passion for improving the experiences of our students he created a lasting contribution to the students of EPMS.

The staff of EPMS is constantly searching for ways to improve student success. Recently, our staff has been engaging in conversations relating to Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) and how having a strong PLC culture would benefit our students. These conversations have been very productive. The collaborative nature of our staff along with their desire for each student’s success has me excited to travel the PLC journey with them.

Thank you for your continued support.


Principally Speaking is a monthly article, contributed by principals from Escalon Unified School District sites, throughout the school year. It is designed to update the community on school events and activities.