Members of the local Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms organization have served veterans overseas for the past decade by raising donations and sending hundreds of packages to military personnel.
“Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms, a local chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., is a federally recognized non-profit organization,” Chapter President Amber Bush said.
“On Jan. 22, 1942, the Flint News Advertiser printed a coupon asking mothers of servicemen to return the coupon after filling it out,” according to information provided through the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. This turned into hundreds of mothers coming together and the eventual idea of holding the organization’s first meeting. Some 18 years later, in 1960, Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. was chartered by Congress and has only grown since, reaching all across the country.
By 2014, Blue Star Mothers of America reached the Central Valley, and Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms was chartered. Today, Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms has 24 members and 26 associates and continues to grow by hosting fundraisers and other events. Worldwide, there are 180 chapters in the US and on military bases that bring mothers and families together by supporting military troops.
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., “are mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers, and female legal guardians who have children serving in the military, guard or reserves, or children who are veterans,” the official group information notes.
“We support each other and our children while promoting patriotism. Our organization focuses on our mission daily and will never, ever forsake our troops, veterans, or our Fallen Heroes’ families.”
Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms adhere to this mission statement through their numerous fundraisers and events staged throughout the region.
Coming up on Monday evening, Aug. 12 at 6 p.m., Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms will celebrate their 10-year anniversary of helping active-duty military and veterans with a birthday party being hosted at the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce, 590 N. Yosemite Ave., Oakdale.
The group has members from several communities in the Central Valley.
At the party, there will be free refreshments including watermelon, root beer floats, and cookies for those who come to help the organization celebrate their 10 years of service
The party will also be an opportunity to assist with upcoming events by donating raffle baskets, gifts, gift cards and cash donations.
Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms host fundraiser events that include “cornhole tournaments, poker runs, Mountain Mike’s pizza fundraiser, bake sales, yard sales, and Coffee for the Troops,” Bush explained.
After enjoying the 10-year anniversary celebration, Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms will get busy working on their next fundraiser, a poker run that is scheduled for Oct. 19. After that, their first-ever pool tournament will be held at the beginning of the new year.
“We are currently requesting direct donations,” Bush said. “We are also in need of gift cards or raffle baskets for our upcoming Blue Star Poker Run and Raffle.”
Proceeds from these events “go to shipping costs and purchases of any remaining items needed for care packages we send to our active-duty military,” Bush said.
This year’s fundraisers and donations have allowed the group to ship over 200 care packages to the military. Additionally, another 100 care packages will be shipped overseas for Christmas.
The Christmas care packages include “Christmas decorations, stockings, snacks, hygiene products, pens, paper, socks, scarves, playing cards, and dice,” Bush said.
Donations for the holiday care packages from residents throughout the region range from money, gum and mints, paper and pens, written letters, jerky, cards, and dice. Beyond fundraising and donating, the organization also “provides support for active-duty service personnel, promotes patriotism, assists Veterans organizations, and is available to assist in homeland volunteer efforts to help the country remain strong.”
Mid-Cal Blue Star Moms hosts chapter meetings every second Monday of the month. For more information or to inquire about donating, visit
All are welcome to visit the Oakdale Chamber of Commerce on Aug. 12, beginning at 6 p.m., to support the Blue Star group, veterans and our troops overseas.