On Thursday, June 16 at noon, San Joaquin Regional Transit District (RTD) will smash open prize-filled gas pump piñatas at the following Stockton locations to celebrate National Dump the Pump Day: Downtown Transit Center (DTC), 421 E. Weber Ave.; Hammer Triangle Station (HTS), 7735 Lower Sacramento Road; and San Joaquin Delta College (Route 40 Southbound Stop), 5151 Pacific Ave.
Public transit riders and all members of the public are invited to participate. Sparkles and Ravioli the clowns, and Artie D., will join attendees at the various locations.
One lucky attendee will find a single golden ticket – good for one year of free transit on RTD. Other piñata prizes include candy, fruit bars, movie tickets, RTD bus passes, and a plush toy of RTD’s mascot, Artie D.
For updates, visit www.sanjoaquinrtd.com/dumpthepump/, or look for #DumpthePump on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Dump the Pump Day encourages people to ride public transportation instead of driving as a means of saving money, preserving the environment, and supporting local economic prosperity.
According to the April APTA Transit Savings Report, individuals in a two-person household can save more than $9,312 annually by downsizing to one car. Moreover, public transportation reduces emissions and every $1 invested in public transportation generates approximately $4 in economic returns, promoting community revitalization.