Get Involved In Election
Dear Editor,
The 2018 mid-term election is important for all levels of government – national, state and local. Voters are being asked to choose the people who will make decisions that can affect their daily lives. Voters are being asked to approve or reject propositions that address current issues. Your vote is your voice to impact the results.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization. That means we do not support or oppose candidates. We believe that democracy remains strong when it has informed citizens who actively participate in government.
Daily television ads and mailers to promote candidates or issues are coming to our homes. It is often difficult to sort out the facts from the hype. LWV is one source for unbiased information to help voters make informed choices. Go to and click Voter’s Edge to learn about candidates – their priorities and who supports them – and the pros and cons of the propositions.
The last day to register to vote in the November 6 election is October 22, 2018. Watch for your sample ballot in the mail. And finally, take advantage of the opportunity and privilege to make your voice heard. Vote. Democracy is not a spectator sport.
Marie Bairey, Vice President,
League of Women Voters of Stanislaus County