Special To The Times
I am still surprised, at times, when I remember that I am now a senior citizen. I have never minded aging but I just wonder when this happened? When did I start feeling the need to make notes as reminders of appointments, to fill the car with gas and meet a friend for coffee. Ah, multi-tasking … it has escaped me. Again, when did this happen? While at the Starbucks drive up window the other day, I ordered a coffee and fumbled in my too full purse for a Starbucks gift card that I knew I still had. A young clerk came to the window and stated the cost as I handed him my card. He soon came back to the window and said, “I’m sorry ma’am, I think this is a Panera gift card.” He looked embarrassed and as if I had lost my mind. I laughed so hard at how uncomfortable he was that I could barely drive away. He is too young to know that as we age, we all deal with working a little harder to hear the TV, to remember the name of the celebrity in the latest movie that we watched, not to mention the name of the movie. Someday that young clerk will be in the same predicament like so many of our same age friends. When these things happen I am saved by the knowledge that most people my age at some point deal with the same issues. Aging can be amazing as the need to compete in so many areas just doesn’t mean as much and we can finally find friends that we really have things in common with instead of because that’s who we worked with or because our kids go to school with their kids. Age can also be difficult and sad but we do not need to be alone because we all go through it as we pass through life in our senior years. Socializing is very important in realizing that these things don’t only happen to us and that humor helps us to soften the blows of what we are, at times, forced to accept.
Our group, “The Escalon Fun Bunch” has planned our next afternoon event for seniors to come together, forget what ails us and just enjoy a fun and entertaining afternoon. Entertainment will include a romantic dance by Xavier and Heidi of Modesto’s “You Can Dance Company”, a Yoga demonstration by Lisa of Oakdale and piano and songs by Peggy, Debra and young Robert. Please join us on Wednesday, Feb. 19 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Escalon Community Center. And leave your Panera card at home, please!!