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Farmington News
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From 'The History of Old Farmington, by Ruth Hewitt Herbert and Aileen Groves': A splash of romance from a news item in a Stockton paper in 1887. "A dashing young man, a resident of this place Farmington, known as 'Chas' Charley Meyers and Miss Mary Higginbotham, daughter of a hotel proprietor of this place, met in Stockton during Fair Time and took the train to San Francisco. Arriving there, they took a boat and an official knot-tier and proceeded out on the glassy waters of the Bay. Mrs. Meyers telegraphed to her mother that they were married and that they went to live in Grayson where the groom now lives. Doubtless, when the excitement has cooled down the young couple will come home and seek forgiveness and beer will flow freely for several days. TAKE NOTE, HUNTERS. In September of 1887 the mighty nimrods, H.A. Wilgus, Jule Milton, Thomas J. Drais and Mr. Drais's little son, went on a hunting trip 50 miles beyond Sonora in Tuolumne County. They had real good shooting. Killed 3 bears, 18 deer, and numerous quail, grouse and partridge. CAN YOU MATCH THIS?


Happy Birthday wishes to Gayle Kroon, Monday, November 28.


I would still like to hear from you. Have you taken a trip? Have you had out of town visitors? Let me know of family birthdays, anniversaries and new arrivals to your family. Whatever you want to add to the Farmington News is welcome.

Please contact me if you have items for the Farmington News column. E-mail me at or phone 896-6697.