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Escalon Police Beat 1-29-25
new epd

NOTICE: The names and incidents printed in the Police Log are obtained from the daily log of the Escalon Police Services, which is a public document. The listing of a name here does not imply that person’s guilt or innocence. That can only be determined by a court of law.



5:33 a.m. – Suspicious vehicle reported in the 2200 block of Jackosn, parked at a business for several hours; checks OK.

5:49 a.m. – Officer initiated activity, subject located under a canopy in the 1300 block of Escalon; transient warned regarding camping in the area.

10:01 a.m. – Vandalism complaint, damage to a vehicle in the area of Santa Fe and Harrold; assisted.

3:01 p.m. – Suspicious persons reported, Swanson and Sophie; subjects in vehicle, parked in the area for the past few hours. Checks OK.

4:02 p.m. – Suspicious person reported, Highway 120 and Brennan, officer initiated activity, checks OK.

4:44 p.m. – Fraud complaint in the 2500 block of Jackson; report taken.

5:42 p.m. – 9-1-1 hang-up from the area of Franklin Street; checks OK, child playing with the phone.

7:21 p.m. – Suspicious person, possible transient seen in the area with a cart and sleeping bag, area of Main and Vine; gone on arrival.

9:29 p.m. – Disturbing the peace complaint, loud music in the area of Jackson Avenue; warned, music turned down.



12:30 a.m. – Disturbing the peace complaint, Sacramento Street; assisted.

1:26 p.m. – Be on the lookout issued from CHP regarding driver in the area of Santa Fe and Henry, possibly drinking in vehicle; unable to locate.

6:42 p.m. – Suspicious vehicle check, 1900 block Yosemite; secure, Amazon delivery driver.



5:29 a.m. – Report of a suspicious vehicle, driving slowly in the area of 1900 block California; unable to locate.

8:28 a.m. – Reckless driving complaint, Highway 120 and Walnut, vehicle eastbound, swerving all over the roadway; one arrest made, subject released on citation.

12:52 p.m. – Suspicious person reported on Carignane, door to door salesman in the area; unable to locate.

3:09 p.m. – Report of several subjects seen in the area, Elizabeth Avenue, all carrying clipboards and walking around; unable to locate.

9:11 p.m. – Disturbing the peace complaint Coley; report taken.



8:18 a.m. – Suspicious person reported in the area, San Miguel and Plaza, possibly living in an RV trailer on site. One arrest reported.

1:30 p.m. – Assist outside agency, assist to San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office on welfare check of subject lying on the side of the road in the area of River and Santa Fe.