Escalon city residents will see some changes in their water and garbage bills beginning next month.
The annual increase to both the water and garbage rates will go into effect with the March bill.
According to information released by the city’s utility department, the new bi-monthly base charge for water will be $80.38 with water usage coming in at a rate of $1.98 per thousand gallons. For the 60-gallon black garbage can, the bi-monthly fee will be $34.24; the senior rate for the 60-gallon can will be $28.24 with the rate for the 90-gallon black can coming in at $42.02. The green waste can fee is $30.06 and additional cans will be charged at a rate of $19.86 bi-monthly.
Coming up, the Escalon City Council will have its next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 20. City Hall will be closed on Monday, Feb. 19 for the observance of Presidents’ Day so the council meeting has been postponed until Tuesday.
City officials have also issued a reminder that you can recycle your household batteries for free at City Hall; call 209-691-7422 for more information on the recycling program.
E-Waste, electronic waste, recycling events are also hosted four times a year for the city, with the next event coming up in April.
Sunday, Apil 14 will see the recycling event offered in the parking lot of the Escalon Community Center, 1055 Escalon Ave., from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Residents can drop off their televisions, computer monitors, computer processing units, radios and stereos, microwaves, printers, telephones, fax machines, cell phones and answering machines at these events. Household batteries (no car batteries) and fluorescent lights are also accepted.
Along with the April 14 date, upcoming drop offs will be Saturday, July 15 and Sunday, Oct. 15, with the October event also able to accept mattresses.