Banner advertising at Hogan-Ennis Park will soon be available.
That, based on the approval of the Escalon City Council at its meeting on Monday night, Dec. 16.
The advertising banners will be allowed on the fencing surrounding the playing fields at Hogan-Ennis Park, adjacent to the city’s Community Center.
“We’re getting ready to send out sponsorship letters” for the coming baseball and softball season, City Manager Tammy Alcantor said, explaining that they wanted to have the advertising information included in those letters.
Cost to purchase and display the banners will be $350, said Alcantor.
The banners will by 3 feet-by-5 feet and hang on the fences at Hogan-Ennis Park from the beginning of the baseball/softball season in March until the end of flag football season in mid-December.
As a special incentive for the baseball/softball sponsors, if they choose to sponsor a team and put up an advertising banner, they will get a $50 discount.
“Sponsorship of a team is $200 so if they sponsored a team and did the banner, it would be $500,” Alcantor said.
The city is working with the local I’ll Say Anything design business to develop the banners. Alcantor said sponsors aren’t required to work through the local firm, but they are available and have all the specifics for the new banner advertising program.
“We’re trying to keep it local,” Alcantor said of working to partner with the business.
She added that some city and recreation officials made visits to nearby fields – including Bel Passi and Oakdale – to see how the banners are utilized in those locations and gained some valuable and useful information.
The goal is to give local businesses another option for advertising in a very public setting, as well as being able to provide some financial support to the recreation programs through the banner purchases.
Those interested in learning more about the new banner advertising program can contact Bridge Gaines at City Hall, 209-691-7400.
The new program will see the banners displayed with the start of the baseball/softball season next spring.