Ham was grilling, eggs were being scrambled and the pancakes were being flipped on the griddle Sunday, May 15 in Farmington.
The annual Farmington Fire Department pancake breakfast served up the hot pancakes, scrambled eggs, ham slice and beverages to hundreds of diners. Proceeds support the equipment fund for the department as well as provide scholarships for high school seniors.
Two of this year’s scholarship winners, Amanda ‘Mandy’ Murphy of Escalon High School and Sydney Briggs of Ripon Christian High School, were on hand volunteering at the breakfast. Both have family members involved with the department. Murphy spent her Sunday morning cracking dozens of eggs and whisking them up while Briggs handled the scrambling duties. She worked next to her grandfather, Don Briggs, who was grilling up the ham slices. He is a longtime volunteer with the department and can be found at every pancake breakfast, donating his time and expertise.
Former Fire Chief Conni Bailey organized the breakfast this year and said they had planned to feed several hundred. The crowd was lined up out the door of the firehouse for much of the morning as people made their way to the assembly-line style serving area. Diners took their plates full of freshly prepared breakfast food and sat at tables set up in the firehouse truck bay. One portion of the bay was also devoted to the raffle area, with items on view and tickets for sale.
The breakfast was a huge success, with diners going away full of good food, some with raffle prizes and all knowing they supported a good cause.