Delta Drama returns to the stage with “Lysistrata,” an ancient comedy that’s as funny and relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago.
This fresh, fast-paced comedy, inspired by the Aristophanes play, follows Lysistrata, an Athenian housewife, who calls for the women of Greece to help end the Peloponnesian War. She proposes a radical plan: all Greek women must refuse to engage in love making until the men see reason, lay down their arms and come home to lay down with their wives in peace. The women agree to make the sacrifice and all hell breaks loose as men wander the country in an agony of unsatisfied lust. Will Lysistrata and her crew accomplish what the politicians could not?
The new production marries aspects of ancient Greece culture with that of modern-day California. It also includes a cast of 23 students, the largest cast in about five years as Delta seeks to involve more students in its productions after the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Performances are scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, Dec. 1 through 3 at 7 p.m.; with 2 p.m. matinees on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 3 and 4.
The production will be staged in the Tillie Lewis Theatre, on the Delta College campus, 5151 Pacific Ave., Stockton.
This play is recommended for 14 years old and up. Complimentary tickets are available at or by calling (209) 954-5110.
The Drama Program believes in the importance of providing to the college community a Drama curriculum that develops knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for transfer to the upper division level as well as fulfilling AA Degree general education requirements.
The Delta provides a rigorous, disciplined, and integrated curriculum designed to meet the vocational demands of the theatre profession. The college offers scholarships to new students who qualify.
The Actor Training program is a two-year course of study in which students who have successfully auditioned can concentrate their efforts in rigorous acting classes three times a week in the first year and five times a week in the second year, while also studying stagecraft in separate technical classes.