The Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #10 in Sonora is hosting and sponsoring an art contest to have the winner paint a new mural along the lodge’s building wall in downtown Sonora.
The IOOF is a non-political, non-sectarian international Fraternal Order of Odd Fellows. The lodge #10 is located at 10 W. Dodge St., Sonora, in the downtown area and have put out information that they are looking to add some color to the blank wall on the outside of their building.
Lodge members created the art contest where students of Columbia Junior College and Tuolumne county high school students can send in their best mural idea for a chance to paint their entry for the lodge.
The submission deadline is March 15 and the winners will be chosen by a panel of judges on April 1 followed by an award reception on April 9 at 7 p.m. First place winners will not only get to paint their art work on the lodge for the whole community to see, but they will also be awarded $1,000 in increments of $500, first half at the announcement of the winners and second half after the mural is completed. Second place will receive $300, and third place will earn $100.
All submissions may be submitted in digital or printed format, entries can also be mailed in to IOOF Sonora Lodge #10 10 W. Dodge St., Sonora, CA 95370 or through email to Also include your name and contact information with the entry.
Remember, the contest is open to any students attending Columbia Junior College and students at Tuolumne County high schools.
The design details must display an aspect of Tuolumne County history and preferably the contribution of the IOOF to the community. The mural size will be 12 feet tall by 40 feet wide and will be painted on plywood sheets that are four feet by eight feet. The design can be in color, tones, or black and white, and all the materials and paint needed to complete the mural will be provided by the lodge.
For more information or questions contact the treasurer of the lodge, Dick Reitz, at 209-972-0774 or at