Dear Editor,
This is an open letter to the community:
American Legion Post 263 in Escalon is conducting our annual Veterans Day Chicken Dinner which will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014. This fundraiser will help provide funds for: Honor Guard Services of Post Everlasting, sponsor Escalon High School Flag Education and boys to Boys State, sponsor for community sports, Honor Guard for Escalon home football games, support and help local veterans and their families, and, Coats for Kids and Toys for Tots.
In the past, Post 263 has been able to sponsor these events solely, however, this year we are in need of sponsorships to help these events remain successful. We would be willing to advertise for you by placing your name on our sponsorship board for everyone to see that comes to this event (Veterans’ Day parade/barbecue).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions you can contact Al Bellinger at 209-838-3388 or myself, Curtis L. Vaughn, at 209-869-5495. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours truly,
Curtis L. Vaughn
American Legion Post 263