Stop The Hate Crimes
Dear Editor,
I believe that hate crime is a problem. Discrimination against a person just because of their appearance, or their sexuality status is wrong. Just because someone’s appearance looks different does not mean they should be treated differently. Just because an individual is gay, bi, or transgender does not mean they shouldn’t be treated like human beings. People are people no matter what their belief, appearance, or sexual status. People are dying way too often just because they are different. We are all humans, we all come into the world the same. Why can’t we treat each other equally? People as a whole need to come together and change the way we think and act towards one another. Everyone needs to be treated with respect and love. For people to change it starts within and learn to love one another and accept everyone for who they are.
Kaitlyn Castro
Increase Safety At Schools
Dear Editor,
I believe there is a security issue on every campus in the Escalon Unified School District. We go to school every day to get an education. We don’t think about ever walking onto campus and another student or person has us at gunpoint. You could be sitting at your desk, while listening to the morning announcements and some kid pulls out a gun. I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get checked by security every day. Yes, I get that it might sound silly, because you can’t just imagine a student bringing a gun and pulling it out of their backpacks. Or anything else for that matter. It’s not hard for someone to just walk on campus during passing. And shoot somebody. We do have a lockdown drill but we aren’t always in a classroom either. You never know what is going on in someone’s head. I don’t think it would be a bad idea to get badges or something to wear all the time, when in school. I think it would be more safe for the kids and adults doing what they have to do, to get checked before entering school. For an example, before college or professional football games, they check your bags for this very thing. In my opinion it would be something to think about. I write this, so people around me and so myself are as safe as possible when going to school.
Jessikka Gonzales
Protect The Victims
Dear Editor,
Did you know that one in every five college students is likely to come into contact with an experience of sexual assault throughout their college career? Sadly, this study was reported in April 2014 by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. It is truly horrific to hear how common in today’s society these interactions have become and how inadequately penalized the assaulters are because of the college they attends desire to keep a good reputation. Just recently, the Brock Turner case was brought into the light and due to the fact that Turner had indeed came from a wealthy family and was a very well-known and well performing simmer at Stanford, the repercussions for his actions were not at all strictly enforced. Turner was sentenced to only six months jail time while others who have committed the same crime but with a different level of social ranking are typically locked up for life. This is in fact only one of the many cases in which colleges try not to bring negative attention towards their schools at the expense of the mental health of innocent individuals. Parents and adolescents who are deciding the path in which they want to take their college experiences should really take into consideration how these schools are treating serious cases like this one because there will always be the chance that you could be the one in this life changing situation.
More action needs to be taken and the repercussions of these offenses need to be taken more seriously because it is truly awful how little sexual offenders are being punished after completely altering and taking advantage of another person’s life.
Karsyn Beckham