First and second graders provided the largest class size throughout the week, as the Escalon Presbyterian Church hosted its Vacation Bible School from June 17 through 21. There were four class groups, pre-k and kindergarten; first and second; third and fourth; fifth and sixth graders, with solid numbers at each level and daily attendance typically between 90 and 100 campers. The highest attendance day saw 104 taking part and this year, the VBS kids brought in donations to benefit C.A.R.E. and the Escalon Ministerial Association.
Theme for this year was “To Mars and Beyond” and each day offered a Bible lesson, craft period, outdoor games, space-themed snacks such as a cosmos fruit cup and intergalactic Jell-O, music and more.
Along with the VBS attendees, several older students served as volunteer helpers and adults joined in to lead the various VBS areas. There was also a wrap up program and hot dog lunch presented for family and friends at the conclusion of the VBS on Friday.