San Joaquin Delta College will offer free textbook access for students who provide proof of vaccination this Fall Semester, saving them money while encouraging them to be protected from COVID-19.
The College’s Board of Trustees approved the textbook incentive earlier this month.
In related action, the Board removed a requirement for students, staff and campus visitors to be vaccinated, but directed mask and social distancing mandates to continue.
The Board also directed staff to encourage vaccinations. That’s the idea behind the textbook incentive program. Details are still being worked out, but the College plans to provide the books on loan, at no cost, to vaccinated students.
“Although two-thirds of Delta students receive free tuition, we know they face additional costs that can put financial strain on their families and make it difficult for them to finish college,” said Delta College Superintendent/President Dr. Omid Pourzanjani. “The Board of Trustees’ approval of the textbook incentive will not only reduce that financial burden, but will also increase vaccination rates and help us continue to safely educate students as we begin to emerge from the pandemic.”
“The Board of Trustees is committed to continuing to serve our community as we emerge from the pandemic and to provide face-to-face learning opportunities for students,” said Board President Dr. Charles Jennings. “The College is steadfastly committed to a safe learning environment for our students as well as staff, and encourages all members of our community to get vaccinated. The vaccine can save lives and reduce the impact of the virus on everyone. We are providing this incentive not only to encourage students to get vaccinated, but also to support their growth and success in the classroom.”
Fall classes start Monday, Aug. 23 for Delta students.
Delta College is offering both online and in-person classes this fall, giving students the flexibility to decide what’s best for them. The College has already been offering a limited number of in-person classes for over a year, carefully following safety protocol designed for each learning area.
Additional classes will be offered this fall in person or with a hybrid (partially online and partially in person) modality. In addition, Delta also intends to offer (on a limited basis) student services including financial aid, admissions and records, food services, childcare, the Student Food Pantry, student activities, clubs, and learning communities. Plans to allow these services to safely resume are currently being formulated.
In addition to free textbook access for vaccinated students, the College will offer:
• Free loaner laptops and hotspots
• Free parking for Fall Semester
• Free bus service in conjunction with the San Joaquin Regional Transit District
• Free on-campus vaccination clinics at the new Delta College Health Center operated by Community Medical Centers.
“This is the time to begin or to resume your college education,” Dr. Pourzanjani said. “After this remarkably difficult time in our history, Delta College is determined to help our students achieve their dreams.”
More information about Delta’s flexible approach to learning is available at
Fall registration is underway, to search for classes, visit
Additional details including frequently asked questions for students and employees regarding COVID-19 are available at