The 4-H ninth annual Tractor, Plant, Bug, and Bike Field Day and Livestock Challenge Field Day were held recently, hosted by the Linden-Peters 4-H Club. About 35 4-H members participated in 11 different contests. The members tested their skills in tractor and bicycle safety, tractor driving, part identification, plant, bug and seed identification, and livestock knowledge.
Each event awarded medals to the three highest scores in three age divisions.
In addition to competing in contests, the members also learned how to judge and display vegetables for competition. Members were given plants from Bonnie Plant and seeds from Lockhart Seed Company and encouraged to start a garden.
This year’s chairman was nine-year member Kenneth Watkins from Linden-Peters 4-H Club.
“It is amazing to think not long ago I was competing for all the medals and now I am setting up the courses and teaching younger members,” said teen leader Watkins.
The event would not have been possible without support from JM Equipment Company, Belkorp Ag Tractor Company, Bonnie Plant, Lockhart Seed Company and dozens of volunteers from various sectors of the agriculture community.