It was a smaller than usual crowd that turned out for Saturday night’s first of the year community dinner at the Escalon American Legion Post. But those that did show up enjoyed a wide variety at the ‘Soups and Stews’ night, with several to choose from in addition to salads, bread, dessert and beverages.
The dinners are put on the third Saturday, offered several months throughout the year. The Jan. 18 gathering was the first for 2025.
Legion members extend the invitation to dinner as a thank you to the community for its support. There is no cost but donations are accepted.
February already has a couple of events on the schedule at the Legion, with a Paint & Sip night coming up on Saturday, Feb. 1 starting at 4 p.m.
Attendees, 21 and over, will enjoy sipping some adult beverages while painting a patriotic picture. Cost is $30 per person with limited seats available. Contact Fallon Nunes at 209-484-3641 to RSVP or for more information. The Legion Post is at 1531 Second St., Escalon.
The February community dinner is on the schedule for Saturday, Feb. 15 and will feature Mexican food on the menu. Other offerings throughout the year typically include a fish fry night, Italian night and a chili cook off.
Tickets are also available now for a special March event, as the Legion puts on a Crab Feed, set for Saturday, March 15. This will be in place of the monthly community dinner.
Cost to attend the crab feed is $70 per person, with limited seating. Doors open at 5 p.m., and dinner is served starting at 6 p.m.
The menu includes crab, shrimp, pasta, dinner roll and salad. Contact Nunes for tickets, 209-484-3641.
Regular meetings of the Escalon American Legion are held the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.; potential new members are encouraged to attend.