The San Joaquin Delta Power Squadron will offer its Boating Course starting Tuesday, Sept. 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Classes will meet at Tully C. Knoles School, 6511 Clarksburg Place (Benjamin Holt Exit - East - off I-5) in Stockton.
This course is one of two classes conducted each year and is open to men and women over the age of 12. Boat ownership is not required. A nominal charge of $50 covers the cost of the syllabus and plotting tools.
Classes will meet at Tully C. Knoles School, 6511 Clarksburg Place (Benjamin Holt Exit - East - off I-5) in Stockton.
This course is one of two classes conducted each year and is open to men and women over the age of 12. Boat ownership is not required. A nominal charge of $50 covers the cost of the syllabus and plotting tools.