All I want to know is who stole the last couple of months? I look at the wall across from my desk and the calendar says ‘November.’ Last time I checked, it was August.
Honestly, ever since getting back from my vacation in late July, everything seems like it has been on fast forward. It’s similar to what my friend and co-worker Kim Van Meter wrote about a few weeks back; indicating there’s no more room in her head for ‘stuff’ – I can so relate, some of the ‘stuff’ I need to remember has fallen out and I am trying to keep it all together.
Football playoffs are looming for Escalon and Oakdale; the winter sports teams were able to start practices on Nov. 1; my daughter’s baby shower was this past weekend, bringing together family and friends; she and her husband celebrated their two-year anniversary in late October; there just isn’t time to breathe.
Add to that, my daughter informed me she had the ‘pack and play’ to drop off for when I will have my granddaughter at the office … it has all been just a bit overwhelming.
But overwhelming in a good way.
After the shower, I stopped by my daughter and son-in-law’s house to see my nieces and one-year-old grandniece before they headed back to Fairfield, and I was able to feel the baby moving and kicking. There was a very hard mass which I am not sure if it was her head or her feet – which end was up? – but she was definitely moving around. Ally said she normally gets very active in the evening and it was great to feel those kicks.
And speaking of kicks, Ally’s ‘second mom’ Edy Jackson, mother of her best friend Katelyn – who had her baby in September – headed my way at the shower on Saturday and shared that “we should be in Fresno playing soccer” as opposed to having a baby shower. I had to laugh and agree, a little wistful at the memory of all those soccer weekends. But time marches on and our girls aren’t teenagers playing competitive travel soccer anymore. Now they are married and having babies. Still, the Fresno Halloween Tournament was always a favorite.
We had a wonderful shower; Ally’s cousins Kristel and Tor helped with the planning and decorations, as did Ally’s friend Jordan, who flew in from Arizona for a long weekend. Kate and her mom had plenty of items they loaned to us from Kate’s baby shower and Judd got into the act as well, preparing several pounds of delicious pasta salad and making lots of store runs for assorted food and supplies.
October is Ally’s favorite month so there were plenty of pumpkins and Halloween-themed decorations and foods that were a part of the festivities. She also felt it was best to have the shower in October, since things start to get pretty crazy for everyone come November. The holidays are just around the corner.
One special gift I was able to take with me and present to Ally and Judd was given to me on Friday night. It was Senior Night at Escalon High School and, after the senior football players and their parents were honored at midfield, the spotlight somehow got turned on me and the senior boys presented me with flowers and I got to pose for a photo with them under the balloon arch. I was also presented with some other gifts, an unexpected but much appreciated surprise, and one of them was a little outfit for my granddaughter, a blinged out ‘Cougar Babe’ football onesie and denim bottoms with her last name Wendland in glittery purple letters across the back of the shirt.
Can’t wait until it fits her and I can take her to a game and show her off. Just look for us – I’ll be the one with the camera; she’ll be the one with the bling.
Marg Jackson is editor of The Escalon Times, The Oakdale Leader and The Riverbank News. She may be reached at or by calling 847-3021.