Zwahlen Is Right For Congress
Dear Editor,
From working 40 years as an emergency room nurse, Congressional candidate Sue Zwahlen has a solid understanding of our healthcare system and how to make it work. Key among Sue’s priorities is to improve the Affordable Care Act and bring down costs, starting with reducing drug costs and increasing consumers’ options. She will fight for more funding for substance abuse treatment for all, and mental health coverage for teens. Our seniors can count on Sue to be a leader in the effort to change “Medicare for All” from a slogan to a reality, pushing for more research on how to create a single payer system that makes sense. Sue needs our support on June 5. Let’s send Sue to Washington D.C. and put her experience to work for us.
Shelley Abbott
Enjoying Art Show Success
Dear Editor,
The Dorothy Indelicato Thirtieth Annual Fine Art Show was very successful. Over 80 fine art pieces from the almost 170 entries received were displayed for our visitors to enjoy. Saturday’s award ceremony was attended by most of the artists. Hors d’oeuvres and wine were leisurely consumed with lots of conversation and sharing of ideas.
The funds awarded as well as art sales will help many artists continue their passion of providing art for many to share. It was very rewarding to see the artists and wine customers enjoying conversations that included both wine and art.
Many people visited throughout the month expressly to view the art and to vote for the covered Visitors’ Choice Award. This year’s winner was The Sentinel by Frank Norton.
The media coverage that you and your staff gave to the event helped a great deal in bringing people to our annual “art gallery.”
Thank you so much for helping us to support the art community.
Marie Indelicato Mathews