Dear Editor,
Thousands of people each year are getting injured, or even killed, in car accidents.
Driving is a dangerous privilege, yet some seem to think that it is not hard enough. Texting is a great form of communication but when people start combining texting and driving, the cost can be death.
A total of 1,600,000 accidents per year are caused by texting while driving according to the National Safety Council. Most of the time, the person getting hit by the person texting wasn’t on their phone. You could be the victim of one of these accidents. More and more kids these days are on their phones while driving.
These accidents can be prevented by taking a few seconds and downloading a driving application from your app store. These are usually free and some new phones even come equipped with them. Taking about 30 seconds out of your time to be safe and turn on this app, which sends calls to voicemail and automatically sends a text to the sender notifying them that you are driving, can save yours and the people’s lives around you. Be safe on the roads, don’t text and drive.
Cameron Huff