(Editor’s note: This is another group of letters from Escalon High School students taking part in a class assignment. The Times is using a few letters each issue during February.)
Cut Back On Plastics
Dear Editor,
It’s known that we as a society waste tons of plastic and other trash that is harmful for the environment. Plastic waste has become a serious issue especially in America. According to the Washington Post the US produced 42 million metric tons of plastic waste in 2016, which is twice as much currently produced in China. They even have four times the population of the US and yet we still have more plastic waste. As a society, if we continue down this path of building up unnecessary plastic waste, it can lead to global warming, damaging ecosystems, and the harming of our wildlife. Continuing to waste plastic will damage the planet we live on.
America wastes the most plastic, why is that? America is far behind in the recycling program compared to other countries. Norway is the world leader in recycling plastic bottles due to its great refundable deposit program. If the US were to follow a similar program to Norway we can reduce a tremendous amount of plastic waste. The US can implement a better rewards system for recycling plastic bottles. This will encourage Americans to recycle their plastic more often. This simple action can help better the environment.
Kailey Hardin
Need Harsher Penalties
Dear Editor,
Drug trafficking is a big problem in California as big time drug dealers are making a fortune off of basically killing other humans without any violence. These drug dealers are getting sentenced on average between three and nine years, oftentimes getting let out before their sentence is over. If you look on the streets in surrounding towns you will see a huge population of homeless, many of them having their lives ruined by drugs and the people selling the drugs.
Most people don’t understand how bad drugs are and if you think about it, it basically ruins the entire community by making people go crazy, lose their jobs and become homeless. Just driving along Highway 99 in Manteca you see so many homeless dumping trash off the side of the road. So all these people wanting to fix climate change should start at what causes homelessness and homelessness creates garbage ending up all over the place as they have no place to put it and after they take care of the drugs creating homelessness then we can tackle the idea of fossil fuels ruining the earth.
Greg Adams
Support The Diesel Community
Dear Editor,
I am writing about the problems in the diesel community with emissions and the EPA and things along those lines. Many diesel enthusiasts have fought to keep racing and being able to build their vehicles without having them be fined and in serious trouble. There is such a large community for diesel products and it is all slowly getting shut down killing the diesel community and the market around it all. A simple tune which can help give extra power and increase mpgs can now get tuners fined millions of dollars and their shops shut down.
Many things like def and other exhaust regulating tools installed in trucks kill mpg and really in the bigger picture are worse for the environment. The factors of producing the product, shipping the product, and then throwing away the plastic containers that def comes in compared to a little black smoke here and there. My truck is tuned and deleted and compared to a brand new truck I can get 18 mpg compared to new trucks that get maybe 15 mpg and are really restrictive. It is sad to see such a large good community being closed down and hurting the hobby that many Americans enjoy.
Justin Perez