A resolution to lessen some water restrictions – but still aiming to conserve – will be brought before the Escalon City Council at its Monday, Aug. 15 meeting.
The council, at their Aug. 1 session, directed City Manager Tammy Alcantor to put changes to the restrictions in resolution form for them to act on later this month.
Basically, explained Alcantor, the city will allow residents to use the three watering days assigned to their address (odd or even) as opposed to choosing two out of the three as required now.
“Our hope is that they will still conserve, they can add that third day but we hope they would spread out the watering,” Alcantor said, utilizing the same amount of water but using a three-day schedule instead of two.
There will not be any watering allowed on Mondays. The restricted hours for watering, currently no watering allowed between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., will also be changed for those without an automated system. The new restrictions will be between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., allowing a little more flexibility for residents.
“Those with drip systems will be exempt with the caveat that the water still shouldn’t leave their property,” Alcantor said of the restrictions.
A new ordinance goes into effect on Aug. 17 – previously approved by the council – that allows for changes in the water restrictions to be done by resolution, which will make it easier and quicker to revise them, should the need arise.
With a wet winter this past year, and reservoirs much fuller than in the past few years, city officials want to ease the restrictions but also be able to quickly change back to a more restrictive schedule should another drought season occur.
The revised water restrictions will also go into effect on Wednesday, Aug. 17 once approved by the council.
In other action at the Monday night meeting, the council was updated on the progress of flight path changes due to low-flying aircraft continuing to ‘buzz’ the community on occasion.
“We are working with Congressman Denham’s office and the Stockton Airport Manager, they are in discussions with the FAA,” Alcantor said of developing a new flight path that will keep the aircraft from coming in on a route that has them descending toward the Stockton Airport directly over Escalon.
“What we need is when people are seeing them (low-flying aircraft) they should let us know,” Alcantor said. “The majority of issues right now seem to be with the cargo planes.”
Also, two candidates have filed their paperwork to seek a term on the City Council in the November election. Incumbent Jeff Laugero and former councilmember Walt Murken have both turned in their nomination papers and had the signatures verified. Laugero and Gary Haskin are the incumbents whose four-year terms are expiring.
Alcantor said one other person has taken out the papers but has not turned everything back in yet.
Deadline for filing is Friday, Aug. 12 unless incumbent Gary Haskin does not file; then it will be extended to Wednesday, Aug. 17.