Sunny skies, jam packed streets and plenty of ‘treasures.’ Escalon’s annual citywide yard sale on Saturday had a little bit of everything.
One resident was even selling the bathroom sink. A trio of sinks, in fact, was lined up on the lawn along Yosemite Avenue, just in case someone needed an extra.
“I come every year,” said Rhea Terpstra from neighboring Ripon, digging through some paperback books. “I found some really nice stuff, well worth coming.”
Some of her finds included a large box of jewelry and some dishes, new treasures for her, a few dollars for someone else.
Linda Hoile decided to jump into the game a little late, opting to set out some items and try to sell them on Saturday instead of having them take up room in the garage and house.
“Anything I don’t sell, I will take to Goodwill, to get it out of here,” Hoile explained, smiling. “Plus, if I’m here, I am not out buying things at someone else’s sale. There’s a strategy.”
On Blossom Avenue, a multi-family sale was going on, with plenty of shoppers perusing the goods.
“We’re just hoping to get rid of some stuff, the money is a bonus,” admitted Bill Augusto, one of those involved with the multi-family sale. “It’s fun. It really is a lot of work, but it’s fun.”
This was the 24th year for the annual citywide sale and there were close to 100 locations listed on the map provided for the event through the city. A $5 fee collected from those that signed up for the sale day offset the cost of printing the map, which directed shoppers to the various sales around the city.
The Oct. 1 event saw city streets filled with an inordinate amount of traffic for a Saturday morning, many cars and trucks filled with newfound items as shoppers sought out the best bargains of the day.
Every area of the city was dotted with the sales and attendees were entering the city limits ready to get started as the 8 a.m. start time approached.