Voters will go to the polls to cast ballots in a number of races on Tuesday, Nov. 4.
In San Joaquin County, local voters will select a new county supervisor for District 4, with candidates Russ Munson and Chuck Winn seeking to replace outgoing Ken Vogel. (See related story).
Also at the county level, James Mousalimas and Jeff Tilton are both seeking to take over the County Superintendent of Schools post and in the Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District, incumbent Grant Thompson is being challenged by James Pilkington.
Escalon Unified School District has a contested race in Trustee Area 5, with incumbent John Largent seeking reelection to the seat for the Dent Urban Area while challenger Erica McCulloch looks to win the post.
Kate Powell is running unopposed in Area 2, Farmington, with longtime board member Al Caton initially filing for the post but later opting to withdraw his candidacy. Incumbent Richard Thompson is unopposed in Area 1, Collegeville.
Statewide, this is also a gubernatorial election year, with incumbent Gov. Jerry Brown seeking reelection, facing off with challenger Neel Kashkari.
Other races of interest in the Escalon area are in the 10th Congressional District, where incumbent Congressman Jeff Denham is being challenged by Michael Eggman and in the State Assembly’s 12th District, where incumbent Kristin Olsen is being challenged by Harinder Grewal.
Polls will be open on Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and for more information on where you can find your polling place, call the San Joaquin County Registrar of Voters at 209-468-2885 or visit the website at