Yonan’s Jewelers is giving away a $1,000 scholarship as part of the empowHER Lounge at the upcoming Stanislaus County Fair. Girls ages 16 and older who are attending high school or college can enter this contest giveaway by answering the following question in 500 words:
•As females, we should support each other rather than compete with each other. As a future woman leader, how will you empower other females as you move further up in your career?
Email answers to yonansfloral@aol.com with subject title “Scholarship.” Deadline is June 30, 2017. Along with your entry, include your full name, age and what school you attend.
The 2017 Stanislaus County Fair opens Friday, July 14 for a 10-day run. Fair guests can count on an award-winning experience that has been over 106 years in the making. Discounted Fair admission tickets, unlimited ride wristbands, and the Fair season pass are on sale now through Thursday, July 13. Visit the Fair’s website for upcoming ticket sale information at www.stancofair.com.
The 2017 Fair will feature a spectacular children’s area presented by Sky Trek Aviation. Also, planned for 2017 are 10-nights of free celebrity concerts included with Fair admission, a total of three stages of live entertainment, upwards of 30,000 local exhibits and over 1,750 animals. Metal-mashing motorsports and three nights of rodeo in the FoodMaxx Arena will also be featured.
For more information about the award-winning Stanislaus County Fair, visit www.stancofair.com.