If you didn’t go to the first meeting, you still have a chance to make your voice heard.
The City of Escalon will host an additional session to discuss the layout of the current Hogan-Ennis Park along with plans for the recently acquired expansion area prior to its approval.
“We are looking for public input in regards to the layout and activities being proposed at the park,” said City Manager Tammy Alcantor.
Following an initial public session in late March to unveil the draft master plan and take comments, Alcantor said the design firm went back to revise the proposal and will have the new updated plan available for review and discussion.
“Council will be considering to adopt the plan at its regular meeting on May 2,” Alcantor added.
Still to come are cost estimates, and a ‘phase in’ schedule for getting the work done.
The council meeting begins at 7 p.m. on Monday night, May 2, with the park design discussion immediately preceding it at 6 p.m., at the council chambers in Escalon City Hall, 2060 McHenry Ave.
The proposed expansion at Hogan-Ennis Park, on a little over 19 acres purchased by the city, primarily to the north of the existing park footprint, will include added parking in two different areas, a skate park, walking trail, new playground areas and several new playing fields, both baseball and soccer. Two different sizes of soccer fields are planned, to accommodate both youth and adult teams.
The master plan design has been put together by Drake Haglan and Associates and O’Dell Engineering. Representatives of both firms were on hand for the March 23 session to hear comments, concerns and suggestions regarding the proposal. Alcantor said working with that input, they have made some revisions, which will be presented at the Monday meeting. City officials also provided input regarding the draft plan.
Comments at the initial session revolved primarily around the need for more parking, especially closer to the Community Center; questions regarding the placement of the skate park within the acreage; potential timeline for development; and more.
Officials at the original session noted then what they were presenting was just a draft concept master plan, not the finished product and that their comments would help form the final product.
“It’s a well done proposal,” noted Escalon City Councilman Danny Fox at the original meeting. “It’s a nice design, I like it.”
City Mayor Gary Haskin agreed it was a good working plan but said the city would have to finance it a little at a time, as funds become available, with the new amenities being added in stages.