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MJC Science Series Slated
Modesto Jr College

Modesto Junior College’s weekly Science Colloquium continues on Jan. 31 with the program “From Central Valley Salmon to Mekong Giant Catfish” by Erin Loury, a fish biologist at FishBio, Fisheries Research, Monitoring and Conservation.

Science Colloquium presentations are scheduled for Wednesdays at 3:15 p.m. in the Science Community Center, Room 115 on the MJC West Campus, 2201 Blue Gum Avenue, Modesto.

The Colloquium series offers one hour discussions on timely science-related topics, and is free and open to the public. There is a $2 charge for temporary parking permits purchased from dispensers located near MJC West Campus entrances.

Additional programs on the schedule include:

Feb. 7 – “Reducing Global Warming Emissions - What is the Best Policy?” by James Hopf, nuclear engineer.

Feb. 14 – “Sap-sucking Insects and Their Bacterial Endosymbionts: A Coevolution Story” by My Lo Thao, Ph.D., microbiologist at California State University, Stanislaus.

Feb. 21 – “Microwaves” by John Gerling, engineer.

Feb. 28 – “From MJC to Pharmaceutical Research: My Career Path” by Krista Thongphanh, molecular biologist at BioMarin Pharmaceutical.

March 7 – “Evolution of Greater Fritillary Butterflies” by Erin Thompson, graduate student at University of the Pacific and former MJC biology major.

March 14 – “Primate Research” by Ann Kohlhaas, Ph.D., zoology professor at CSU, Stanislaus.

March 21 – “Recovery of the Riparian Brush Rabbit” by Patrick Kelly, Ph.D., zoology professor at CSU Stanislaus.

March 28 – “On Becoming a Marine Scientist” by Melanie Okoro, scientist at NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service.

April 4 – “Math in Poetry” by Heidi Fernandez Meyer, MJC mathematics professor.

April 11 – Documentary: An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, sponsored by the MJC Civic Engagement Project. Note: This 90 minute film will be shown in SCC 114 (same 3:15 p.m. start time).

For more information on the Science Colloquium contact Teri Curtis, MJC biology professor, at or (209) 575-6775.