With several members the champions of one or more categories and many more placing to bring home some hardware, Escalon FFA definitely did not walk away empty handed from this year’s San Joaquin County Ag Fest.
Held from June 13 to 18, this nearly weeklong event held in conjunction with the San Joaquin County Fair in Stockton gave FFA, 4-H, and Independent Showmen the chance to show off their livestock, mechanical, or other agriculture related projects. For many, this also meant winning ribbons.
From Escalon FFA, Isabella Medina (Supreme Doe, Commercial Wether Doe, Advanced Goat Showmanship, Reserve Market Goat), Hailie Webster (Reserve Dairy Replacement Heifer), Mary Valencia (Market Lamb), Darryl Baugus (Turkey Showmanship), Danny Bava (True Novice Goat Showmanship), Julia Orlando (Small Animal Master Showmanship), and Natalie Bianchi (Supreme Ram, Reserve Supreme Ewe) all walked away with one or more blue ribbons in their categories.
While some members had more traditional animals such as swine and sheep, others opted for more unusual ones like Julia Orlando, who brought a dog to the fair and will even bring a guinea pig to the California State Fair.
Some members auctioned off their animals on Saturday, June 18; however others will advance to State Fair in July continuing yet another great showmanship year for Escalon FFA.
Next week, a look at the Escalon 4-H participants and winners from AgFest.