Datebook lists upcoming events and items of interest for residents of Escalon, Farmington, Collegeville and the surrounding area.
Join the fun at the Escalon Library as the first special summer program is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7 with shows at 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m., featuring Python Ron and his Reptile Kingdom. The show is part of this year’s Summer Reading Program, “Build a Better World” from now through July 31. Participants can win prizes for reaching their reading goals. All programs are free. The Escalon Branch Library is a part of the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library and is at 1540 Second St., Escalon.
Hutton’s Hamlet Performing Arts Center, 132 W. G St., Oakdale is planning for its 19th season of Summer Youth Theater. First up this summer will be the Adventures Of A Comic Book Artist, June 9 and 10. As janitor at Wonder Comics, Stanley Sappovitz yearns for the day that his boss will see his drawings, and he too can become a comic book artist. When a set of magic pens guaranteed to bring any character to life is ordered and unwittingly creates real-life super villain Dr. Shock Clock, it’s up to Stanley to save the day with his own superheroes in this fast-paced musical comedy. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for 12 and under. Call for performances times, 209-848-1216.
Aquatic Discount Scuba of Escalon presents two classes of Discover Scuba, providing an introduction to scuba diving lessons. Dates for the class are Saturdays, June 10 and July 29 and the class runs from 10 a.m. to noon at the Escalon Community Pool; cost is $15 for ages 10 and over. Register at the Recreation Department and those attending should bring a towel, swim suit and sunscreen to class.
The need for blood increases during the summer and donors are needed. Appointments can be scheduled by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Locally, a blood drive is scheduled in Escalon for Tuesday, June 13, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Christian Reformed Church, 2203 California St. Also the Modesto Blood Donation Center, 1900 W. Orangeburg Ave., is open on a regular basis. Those who come out to donate blood or platelets with the Red Cross from June 7 through World Blood Donor Day on June 14 will receive a limited-edition Nexcare Give bandage with the theme “Roll up a sleeve and give where you live,” featuring vibrant city-inspired designs reflecting landmarks and locales from around the globe.
The local REO Speechtrain Toastmasters Club gathers for regular meetings every Wednesday morning, 6:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., at Perko’s Cafe, Patterson and Oakdale roads, Riverbank. This is a fun way to learn the self-confidence and skills needed for public speaking. All are invited to come and check out the group. The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 14. For more information, call (209) 869-8200.
The Good Time Accordion Club will host its next monthly Music and Social gathering on Wednesday, June 14 at 7 p.m., meeting at the Escalon Community Center, 1055 Escalon Ave., Escalon. Accordion fans and performers of all skill levels are invited; admission is $5 at the door. For more information, contact Karl Wucherer at 209-556-3105. The Good Time Accordion Club welcomes you to their events.
Escalon Youth Soccer is currently taking sign-ups for the fall season, with games scheduled from Aug. 12 through Oct. 7. Divisions are based on the child’s age as of Nov. 1, 2017 and there are five age divisions. Cost for Tots, ages 3 and 4, is $35 for Escalon Unified School District residents; $40 for non-EUSD residents. For Squirts, 5-6, costs are $40/$45; Pee Wee, 7-8, $45/$50; Minor, 9-10, $45/$50; Major/Senior, 11-14, $50/$55. Players from ages 7 to 14 will be evaluated; information for evaluation date and times can be found at Last day to register is Thursday, June 15.
Come join the fun at the Escalon Youth Center for an outdoor theater experience, with a Free Community Movie Night planned later this month. They will be showing Disney Pixar’s “Up” on a 30-foot screen for all to enjoy on Friday, June 23 from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. There will be no charge for enjoying the movie on the youth center’s lawn. Feel free to bring a blanket or lawn chairs to sit on for you and your family. The Youth Center will be open during this time for concessions as well.
Reserve your spot now in the Miss Escalon Paint and Mimosa Fundraiser, set for Saturday, June 24 at 10:30 a.m. at the Bavaro residence on Sexton Road. Tickets may be purchased at There will be a two hour Paint instruction for $45 and mimosas are included. $15 of each ticket sold will be donated to the Lions Club and will benefit the Miss Escalon Pageant. Must be 21 to attend. Tickets must be purchased in advance, so buy them soon. For more information and to buy tickets contact Lexi 209-480-0728 or Shannon 209-938-7711.
Coming up in September, the Senior Stride Fun Walk event put on by the Modesto Rotary Club provides seniors, families and friends the opportunity to enjoy fellowship, a fun walk, entertainment and more while learning about services and resources available to them in the community. This year will mark the 26th annual event and it is planned for Friday, Sept. 8 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., staged at East La Loma Park. The park is at 2001 Edgebrook Drive, Modesto. Registration fee to participate is $2 and includes a Senior Stride T-shirt, light breakfast, community vendor fair and more. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. To learn more about Senior Stride or to register, call (209) 578-9999.