The Modesto Throttlers Car Club and the Pharoahs Car Club are combining forces to host the Blast From The Past Car Show in nearby Oakdale’s Clarence Wood Park on Saturday, Sept. 21.
This will be the eighth annual car show and organizers are hoping for at least 100 cars to be on display in the park at the corner of Yosemite and F streets in Oakdale, at the main intersection.
Open to all automobile classes, there is still a little time to get pre-registered for $20 per entry or just come the day of the show and pay a $25 entry fee.
All show vehicles will park on the grass in the park and there will be a variety of trophies up for grabs along with raffle drawings. There is no alcohol and no glass containers allowed in the park during the show.
“This is our fourth year in Oakdale,” said Michael Johnson, treasurer for the Throttlers Car Club. “Our previous location was in an industrial area off Kiernan (Modesto) and we also did it for a couple of years at the SOS Club.”
But both Modesto locations just didn’t have the same appeal as the F and Yosemite spot, right in the heart of the Cowboy Capital.
“That location is ideal for visibility, it gets people to stop,” Johnson added.
Pharaohs Vice President Larry Moss said they also have events every Friday night at the A&W at 14th and G streets in Modesto but both groups are looking forward to joining forces for this Saturday’s show in Oakdale. They have also discussed the possibility of working with the Escalon Lions or taking over the Autumn Cruise next year in Escalon though no official decision has been made at this time.
The clubs help raise funds for charity and enjoy giving back to the community. A main goal now is also to encourage younger attendees, to take over the restoration and displaying of cars for the next generation.
“I’ve been with the club over 20 years,” Johnson said of his involvement with the Throttlers, including spending some time as president. “I like being with like-minded people, talking about our cars … we want to get the kids motivated; our goal is to educate them so that they can maintain their cars.”
Show hours on Saturday are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; it is open free to those that just want to come in and enjoy looking at the vehicles and talking shop with the owners.