Expect a little bit of craziness.
But don’t worry; it’s all part of the script.
Members of the Escalon High School Drama Club are getting in a final few tune-up practices before taking the stage for the weekend production of ‘The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon’ with three performances scheduled.
Show times are Friday, April 20 at 7 p.m.; Saturday, April 21 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, April 22 at 2 p.m.
Admission is $5 per person and the show is being staged at the high school’s Performing Arts Center.
With the disclaimer that ‘These aren’t your Disney fairytales’ the audience will be treated to some zany shenanigans as actors portray multiple parts in a somewhat frenzied re-telling of familiar fairy tale stories.
Cast members include Emme Altamirano, Kiara Ancheta, Katie Beall, Karsyn Beckham, Tess Bedell, Wesley Holmes, Gwenyth Rhoten, Angela Sellars-Simoes, April Strand, Shelby Strock and Cady Wing. Directing the production is teacher Jennifer Moore, who also serves as the Drama Club Advisor, and Grace Stime is the stage manager.
Several others make up the crew, including Camryn Rodenburg, Jude Anderson, Lily Franks, Shawn Chestine, Kara Kennedy, Rachel Lau, Gonzalo Leal, Ella Mackinnon, Trenton Nascimento, Alondra Pena and Ashleigh Rickman. Cast member Wesley Homes is doing double duty as a crew member and providing a voiceover during the production.
From Rapunzel to Cinderella, Prince Charming to an Elf Cobbler, a talking fish, some dwarves and a Frog Prince, there are plenty of characters to keep the audience entertained – and guessing what will happen next.