The San Joaquin Council of Governments continues to seek input, having recently released the first round of surveying for Envision 2050, San Joaquin County’s Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS). As the region’s comprehensive long-range transportation plan, the RTP/SCS serves as a guide for achieving balanced investment in all modes of transportation. Whether you get around by car, on transit, walk or ride a bike, the Plan works to improve your mobility in the region over the next 20+ years.
Guided by the RTP/SCS Working Group, SJCOG seeks to receive diverse public input on regional priorities through an online interactive survey. Community feedback will ultimately shape the Plan and act as a roadmap for future rounds of public outreach. To access the survey, go to or visit The survey is also compatible on tablet and smartphone interfaces. A Spanish translated version is currently in development. Comments will be collected until June 30, 2020.
The San Joaquin Council of Governments is a joint powers authority comprised of the County of San Joaquin and the cities of Stockton, Lodi, Manteca, Tracy, Ripon, Escalon, and Lathrop The agency serves as the federally-designated metropolitan planning organization, the state-designated regional transportation planning agency, the implementing agency for the habitat conservation program, the local transportation authority (overseeing Measure K, the local half-cent transportation sales tax), and as a technical resource for the San Joaquin region. For more information, visit; Facebook , Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram or call 209-235-0600.