This is a roundup of notable incidents involving the CHP over the past couple of weeks, including a helping of Safety, Service and Security for Thanksgiving, cracking down on retail crime heading into the holidays, cargo theft investigators recovering millions of dollars in stolen merchandise, a new class of cadets beginning their journey at the CHP Academy.
Maximum Enforcement Period
A busy holiday weekend on California’s roadways included the CHP’s annual Thanksgiving Maximum Enforcement Period (MEP) Nov. 22 through 26. During the 102-hour holiday enforcement effort, CHP officers made a total of 1,046 arrests for driving under the influence, a 3 percent increase from the same period last year. A total of 32 people were killed in traffic crashes within CHP jurisdiction – a more than 13 percent decrease from the 2022 Thanksgiving MEP. Speed was also in abundance throughout the holiday, with more than 13,700 speeding citations issued statewide. Of those speeding citations issued by CHP, 830 citations went to drivers who were traveling in excess of 100 mph.
Retail Crime Task Forces
Heading into the busy holiday shopping season, California launched an organized retail crime crackdown. As part of the effort, the CHP’s ORCTF is teaming up with its law enforcement partners throughout the state and retailers to keep shoppers and merchants safe, while catching retail criminals in the act. In the coming weeks, several proactive operations are planned with allied agencies throughout the state and investigators will aggressively go after known boosters—the people who steal products from retailers—as well as fences—those who purchase stolen goods and resell them either online or at a physical location.
Stolen Merchandise Recovered
CHP investigators assigned to the Southern Division Cargo Theft Interdiction Program (CTIP) arrested members of an organized cargo theft crew for grand theft, cargo theft, and conspiracy in connection with an organized cargo theft ring that stole millions of dollars’ worth of goods from big box retailers throughout Southern California. On Nov. 21, investigators served multiple search warrants throughout Los Angeles County and arrested two individuals for their active participation in an organized cargo theft ring. In addition to the arrests, property stolen from over a dozen big box retailers throughout Southern California was recovered. The stolen items included shoes, clothing, electronics, perishables, and other goods.
New Class Of Cadets
More than 120 cadets began their 26-weeks of training at the CHP Academy in West Sacramento on Nov.13. Upon arrival, Cadet Training Class VI-23 was greeted by the more than 100 members of the senior class of cadets, who gave them a taste of what was to come at the Academy. The CHP Academy is currently running three cadet training classes at a time, bringing the current number in training to more than 330. If you are interested in an exciting career that offers diversity, challenges, and opportunities, the CHP invites you to apply to become a part of this professional organization.
CHiPs For Kids
CHP offices throughout the state are getting into the holiday spirit by kicking off their annual CHiPs for Kids toy drive. The CHP has been collecting toys and distributing them to kids and families in need since 1988. The goal of the annual toy drive is to continue to build a positive relationship between law enforcement and young children, to develop trust, and help ensure children enjoy the holiday season. Contact your local CHP office to see where you can drop off a new, unwrapped toy that will help brighten a child’s holiday.