Opportunities appear online as the world pivots to the internet, and the Calaveras County Arts Council, CCAC, is making that turn with an online gallery show during July.
In March, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Arts Council temporarily closed the Arts Council gallery in San Andreas just as they were getting ready for their spring show Fins, Fur & Feathers: Animals in Art show. According to Executive Director Kathy Mazzaferro, “We expect to reopen when we can be in full compliance with all county and CDC guidelines, and when we can ensure the safety of our patrons, artists and staff.”
The community—collectors and artists—had been looking forward to the show, and expressed disappointment at its cancellation. As a result, the council has embarked on an adventure in cyberspace: creating their recent gallery show online.
“We remain committed to finding ways to support our local artists. Our online show is an extension of that commitment,” Mazzaferro said.
Marketing specialist Maggie Sloan added, “these are difficult times, and artists will need to explore all options to stay viable.”
This is the first time the CCAC has had an online shop, and they are representing 23 local artists’ paintings, photographs, and sculptures of animals. Cats, dogs, horses, and even one imaginary sea monster floating in a grotto—by ceramicist Ken Winebrenner—are profiled in the online show. Artists who are new to the gallery like Kat Laughlin, who presented detailed graphite drawings of bears, and Moana Bailey-Hendrix, who creates ethereal digital images, join regular exhibitors like watercolorists Sue King, Deborah Marlene, Ruth Morrow, oil painters Sonya Ziegler, George Dillon, collage artist Angela Harmon, and ceramic sculptors Marlene Bradford, Pamela Quyle, Larissa Stevenson, and Ken Winebrenner.
To view this online gallery show, go to the Arts Council’s website, www.calaverasarts.org. The show will be online until Aug. 1. All items are available for purchase online, with curbside pick up at the gallery by appointment only.