Assemblyman Health Flora, R-Ripon, on Tuesday, Jan. 14 presented Assembly Bill 367, which would expand the list of crimes that would make a person ineligible to become a caregiver or volunteer in a licensed community care facility. AB 367 passed the Assembly Committee on Human Services with unanimous support.
“The State Auditor found loopholes in our current system that allow those convicted of certain crimes to care for some of the most vulnerable individuals in our community,” said Flora. “AB 367 closes those loopholes and prevents these convicted criminals from working or volunteering at licensed care facilities in our state.”
Current state law allows the Department of Social Services (DSS) to approve an individual who has been convicted of certain crimes if they believe the individual is of “good character.” Assemblyman Flora’s AB 367 would add five additional crimes to the list of crimes for which the DSS cannot grant an exemption. The State Auditor identified crimes that were exempt despite substantial similarities to existing convictions on the list of prohibited crimes.
A recent independent state audit discovered that between 2013 and 2016, the DSS received employment applications for over 600 individuals who had a history committing one of the crimes identified by the State Auditor. AB 367 would ensure that future convicted individuals would not be allowed to work in licensed care facilities throughout California.
AB 367 now heads to the Senate. If enacted, this bill would take effect on Jan. 1, 2021. For additional information regarding AB 367 visit
Assemblyman Heath Flora represents the 12th Assembly District, which includes the communities of Denair, Empire, Escalon, Farmington, Hickman, Hughson, Keyes, Lathrop, Linden, Lockeford, Manteca, Modesto, Oakdale, Ripon, Riverbank, Salida, Turlock, Victor, and Waterford.