The St. James Concert Series presents Golden Bough, an ensemble of modern-day minstrels, offering a program of selections from their most recent recordings as well as previous recordings, lively sing-a-longs, ballads, and rousing instrumental pieces.
The performance is scheduled at The Red Church, St. James Episcopal Church in Sonora, on Sunday, Jan. 28 at 3 p.m.
The music of Golden Bough is enjoyed by listeners of all ages. For those seeking an afternoon that offers a bit of history, virtuosic instrumentation, sweet and seamless vocals, the occasional yarn, and irrepressible toe-tapping, seek no more. Golden Bough is your answer.
Long before the popularity of Celtic Women and Celtic Thunder and long before Celtic became a household word, Golden Bough was bringing their style of Celtic music to fans throughout the United States and Europe. Rooted in the traditional music of the seven Celtic nations – Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, The Isle of Man, French Brittany and Spanish Galicia – Golden Bough has become a popular and in-demand group on both sides of the Atlantic. Backing themselves with an array of acoustic instruments (Celtic harp, guitar, bodhran (Celtic hand drum), octave-mandolin, accordion, violin, and penny-whistle), Margie Butler, Paul Espinoza, and Kathy Sierra blend their voices in the pristine harmonies that have become a Golden Bough trademark.
Margie Butler, who is featured on vocals, harp, penny-whistle and bodhran, first heard the music and Celtic myths from her father, an accomplished tenor. At an early age, she knew she wanted to share the enchantment of this music and culture with others. When not performing with Golden Bough, Margie leads The Central Valley Youth Harp Ensemble.
Paul Espinoza performs for this program on vocals, guitar, octave-mandolin and accordion. He has been creating in the arts, either writing stories, songs or poems, since his early childhood. He was first introduced to folk songs by his mother, who, having moved from Oklahoma to California as a teenage girl, brought a wealth of American folk music with her, singing around the house and at bedtime. He and Margie founded Golden Bough in 1980.
Kathy Sierra is a classically trained violinist and vocalist. She began her violin studies at the age of five and began performing with the Honolulu Symphony when she was seven. Since 2001, Kathy has toured the United States and internationally with Golden Bough.
Since their formation, Golden Bough has released more than 30 recordings.
Tickets for this concert are $20 for adults and $6 for students under 18. Tickets may be purchased at the Mountain Bookshop in the Junction, at the door, or reserved by calling 536-0825.